For a chance's Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs in emerging countries

Posts Tagged ‘financing.

Comunitae – new models of financial

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Good Morning friends,

With my first coffee in the morning,

Entrepreneurs seeking capital resources now Comunitae is the first social network in which individuals lend money to each other.

Comunitae proposes a system through the social networks of people- to person loans.

This plataform offers the opportunity to register and get in touch people in need with money they want and another can be provided in exchange for an agreed interest on both sides, between lender and borrower.

For more information :

New ways of financiacion

Best regards,


Written by forachance

24 April 2009 at 12:36

Education and financing for the women in Africa

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Good Morning friends,

Education in Africa  and financing is very important for the  women’s.

The womens  play an important role in  the family economy of much of Africa, the inability to access the financial system has meant that many entrepreneurs started their current course through this system of funding. This is the case for the presidency of the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs ( FCEM). ( for example America latina )

Now be widely known as microcredit to start small business personal, family or co-operative and where women are often the main beneficiaries. As the institution the World Bank more representative of Women, founded by Ghana.

Education and development of microcredit for women contributes to the development

Best regards,


Written by forachance

16 March 2009 at 17:44

Encouraging entrepreneurship

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Good Morning friends,

With my first coffee in the morning …

This post is inspired by an interview with Elijah Tefarikis  (Co founder and managing director of development time zero) development manager Moment Zero, forming business entrepreneurs in Chile, the region needs the ecosystem that supports innovation and risk create new businesses.(

Human don’t possess large differences in goals,  there is  energy  in the world to create projects, the difference is the ecosystem in which  favors the creation the proyects or not.

Living in a context where there are training , financing and entrepreneurial culture favors setting up a business.

Entrepreneurship and innovation are important for development .

Best regards,


Written by forachance

5 March 2009 at 16:29

Innovation, entrepreneurs driving India

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Good Morning friends,

How are you?

“India is creating policies to encourage the businessman and entrepreneurs”

Mumbai: The National Knowledge Commission, (NKC), high-level advisory body, has said that the innovation and entrepreneurship are the driving forces of the India‘s for its growth.

Primer Minister Manmohan Singh is creating a series of policies for  encouraging entrepreneurship and enterprise of the country.

The National Commission through of the study realized to entrepreneurs for learning about the needs in the country has called for the improvement of Education Training (FP) through training and testing in writing as the highest priority to learn the language perfectly English.

The recommendations are develop through handbooks on entrepreneurship, helps of access the initial financing and search of secondary markets for smaller companies.

Others suggestions include the creation of a uniform law for research financed by public funds and encouraging research and entrepreneurship departments on college campuses.

“The India growth through innovation”

Best regards,
