For a chance's Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs in emerging countries

Posts Tagged ‘communication

The importance of the communication in your project online

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Good Morning  entrepreneurs,

For those entrepreneurs who have an online business must take into account of the contents.

I would like to dedicate a post to the importance of the contents on a website as  one of the most important tools we have for our users return, taste and search engine rankings.

Sometimes these parts of the contents falls a bit in the air from the companies  but in reality is a fundamental element for to have good a Seo web Positioning and return from our users.

Write  fresh, original and relevant contents.

” The art of writing and communicate  in your website  ”

Nice day

Mireya Garcia

Advertising awards worldwide

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Good Morning entrepreneurs,

With my first coffee in the morning …

Every year we have a comprenhensive report on marketing communication from  the bin Won.

His report is based on the classification of 12,000 prizes won by 1,702 agencies worlwide. In such classification has resulted Germany as the most creative country.



Hbo Voyeur BBDO New York

Jung von Matt, Hamburg Germany

Scholz & Friends , Berlin Germany


Play-Doh Sony Fallon London

Gorilla Cadbury’s  Fallon London

Power of Wind Epuon Nordpol


BBC Cables BBC BBDO New York

Black Boy Studio Brussels Mortierbrigade

Kiddy – Toy jobsintown de Sholz – Friends Berlin

THE TOP  most creative countries




Link Rankings :

Best regards,


Written by forachance

23 September 2009 at 14:13

Woman entrepreneurs in Africa

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Good Morning friends,

With my fist coffee in the morning …

The use of  ICT ( Information and communication technology) by women and women’s NGO’s africans increase significantly in the last few years . It is a good resource for development, there are more users see the important contribution of ICT.

It may be intereting for women APC Women’s Program Support , a global network of women . The network has more than 100 women from over 35 countries. These persones have formed themselves into regional networks in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America.

The enermous potential of communications to improve their lives and create more equality between societies

Best regards,


Written by forachance

11 March 2009 at 13:26

Online marketing strategies

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Good Morning friends,

With my first coffee in the morning..

The  marketing strategy to be implemented should be seen as central to the customer approach, since this field of study and concern on the part of the whole organization.

Internet is a marketing medium that requires follow specific rules and regulations for doing business effectively.

Using online marketing strategies can challenge the traditional marketing and even to the methods used in radio and television. In this strategy toward consumers are going to information and not seeking the means to target customers, and consumers users who initiates the communication.

Online marketing strategies we can emphasize that the marketing executives of the companies are supporting the idea of using the Internet to reach consumers  and more attractive and innovative.

This new challenge promotes and requires the areas of traditional marketing to engage in solving the universal problem: traditional advertsiting, therefore organizations  must now consider new ways to make their marketing strategies.

The role that is taking the Internet these days is so strong that any large company that wants to continue marking the leadership and avoid obsolescence must adjust their marketing strategies to online or online.

Interesting books  about it: Daniel S.Janal (Internet Marketing), Sandra Guadalupe Martinez de la Pena (2003) (Impact of Information Technology)

Online marketing initiatives to make its sales grow

Best regards,

Mireya Garcia

Why we fell in love of some products and not others?

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Good Morning friends,

How are you? With my first coffee of the morning  I was thinking about because there are products are more successful than others, because we feel in love some products and others non .

For innovative, for exclusive, by vagaries of the market and so on.. there are many reasons and secrets by which a product falls to the public, but almost always behind a good dose of innovation and excellent communication campaign.

Thinking about the launch date, sales, carry out the strategy and launch of this communication is very important , find the message we want to convey , understand the markets and consumers.

The sensory atraction in the products is different of each other, much depends on the percepcion of the senses , the physical attractiveness of the product especially in the beginning.

The successs of a product depends on the attraction we feel to know.

Best regards,


Written by forachance

1 December 2008 at 10:18

Yourself can be your communications and public relations agency

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Good Morning friends,

How are you? With my first coffee in the morning…

Communication, adversiting and public relations a large market for an exciting profession,creative and necessary for your business.

Getting visibility, enhance the brand and communicating is a challenge for your company. Search for creativity in all parts of the world need to show value and professionalism at all times.

Using techniques of marketing, appealing to the information, define and commnicate your message effectively creating magazines,catalogs,adversiting,emails,web design and so on …Having a variety of skills to ensure that all this is efficient.

Find the message that we want to convey, should be the identification, the essence of the company, should convey its mission and vision. Second planning, ways to use and carry it out.

The business spending on communication,trying to talk to their markets, is a considerable expense. Cut costs by using messages clear, specific and why should decide for your brand, adapt your message to the lifestyle of your customers, bring innovation, created in the same language used by clients goals.

Define who we are in our message and we offer …


Best regards,


Written by forachance

28 November 2008 at 9:53

Decision to be a capitalist partner

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Good Morning friends,

How are you? With my first coffee of the morning was thinking of alternatives to invest my money.

One is to enter as a partner in a capitalist business, so make money but do not work. There are people who have more flair as an investor who gets a lot of dollars over the years, you can start as a small investment partner of a company or proyect run by an entrepreneur.

Before investing in a business have to do a preliminary analysis that allows you to hit with the investment, take into account who is going to be the person who will manage the proyect or who is responsible for the activity ,study the reliability of the proyect, to have a good communication and information with the others partners to avoid problems.

“Investing in different spirits business is the safest way of development”

Best regards,


Written by forachance

17 November 2008 at 9:59

Transforming the crisis

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Good Morning friends,

How are you? Lately you hear the world crisis in all places. In times of crisis are times of reflection of danger but also opportunities. The crisis is always a time of change we must remain vigilant and observe the requirements in the changes that are being made.

The self-esteem is important in these periods in negative, the action is negative, which produces a negative result. On the contrary ,if the believe is positive,there is a positive action and consequently a positive result.

To have opportunities you have to be capable of perceiving,sensing and focus and be proficient in communication. The more interactions we have more business opportunities.

With the crisis always crop up business opportunities”

Best regards,


Written by forachance

14 November 2008 at 14:50

Business, how to work directly with members of the family

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Good Morning friends, how are you?

With my first coffee of the morning was thinking of the difficulties when we work with the family,  the lack of communication and ability to create team leading, resulting the 62% of the deaths of family businesses.

Make it clear among family members that there is no better or worse in the family only differents.  It is very important to have communication of explaining the new changes and new directions of the company, we tend to mix the  professional with the staff.

As the business grows we must define the roles of each family member to avoid family conflicts ,businesses must encourage entrepreneurship. Remember and appreciate the endeavors of earlier generations.

The family should not be a problem for the dismissal of incompetent relatives,though at times we made it difficult situation for fear of family repercussions. Avoid personal conflicts in the company.

“The reward of work well done is the opportunity to make more job well done” ( Jonas Edward Salk)

Best regards,


Skype: Speaks of business face to face whereever you are

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Good Morning friends,

Every day it’s easier to have international meetings,business and investment elsewhere in the world thanks to the Internet.

Transatlantic meetings have served for business,to revisit some other business opportunity. Video conferencing and video calls can now be free between Skype users, see your client during a call will not have any cost,regardless of where in the world where they are.

Face to face communication is very important to strengthen relations,helps you read the message body and can help avoid misunderstandings.

Development in the network technologies and business development support.

Best regards,


Written by forachance

28 October 2008 at 17:22